Communication Agency: Sintesis y accion

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In addition to creating the first communication agency specialized in environment in Spain, SINTAC RECYCLING  has become part of a new innovative audiovisual project: VORARIU PRODUCTIONS, in a further step in its effort to cover all areas of recycling and sustainability.

As already said, the first step was creating the first Spanish communication agency specialized in environmental projects and green marketing, in the service of companies, institutions and administrations. Nowadays, SÍNTESIS Y ACCIÓN is a major media company and a referent in plastic recycling industry.

From now on, SINTAC RECYCLING takes another step forward becoming part of the audiovisual production company VORARIU PRODUCTIONS. The company will be in charge of producing videos for companies and institutions, and will propose new television programs, of social and environmental content.

According to the CEO of SINTAC RECYCLING, the company will “offer a specialized service of videos and audiovisual formats to our clients, improving our communication campaigns for companies and institutions, and planning, for the aperture of the future Valencian television, a series of audiovisual projects of social and environmental nature, from which the environmental awareness can be transmitted to the public”. The projects will be XXXX in collaboration with SÍNTESIS Y ACCIÓN

This has led to the creation of VORARIU PRODUCTIONS, along with the best Valencian professionals in the industry with wide experience in very successful television formats and of great social significance.

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